Wednesday, May 5, 2010

random wishlist : TATTOOS

kay…ive been saying this to people. IF ONLY I CUD GET A TATTOO! these babies would go down on me :)

#1 Neck tats

i want words on my neck or a nautical star. either’s fine wit me :D

#2 Full arm tats

IM EAGER TO GET THIS ONE. you search oliver sykes’ or dallas green pictures. they all looked good mannnn argh

#3 Tribal tats

ive always been interested in tribals. the pattern suits me in a way, i dunno know :)

#4 Leg tats

i wanna get my leg inked! itll look good in shorts tho :D

#5 Chest tats

im gonna write “i’d rather lived , than live forever” .YOUWZA!

#6 potrait tats

i love portraits. i would get a portrait of my parents or someone that i really looked up to, or maybe a public figure i admired the most

and perhaps tht’ll be all folks, IF ONLY. sometimes you shud let your imagination run wild in order to help things along the way in the long run :)

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