Wednesday, May 5, 2010

the new modern

ive been seeing tweets from my buddies saying that they want this iPad stuff.

ok…im thinkin’ bout gettin it maself…but wht would i use it for???

so imma make a list bout why shud i buy this iPad…

  • It has this iBook gadget stuff

in case you didnt know „,im a lil book worm maself..i LOVE literatures…(fuck you haters) . ive been reading books lately. i love spending time(occasionally) to read books.

  • It has this iPhoto and editing stuff

eerrr…im into photography at the moment, for you see i just had this new D80 nikon from my dad, he said he’s just lending it to me, but i think i own it right now LOL.

i cud edit and spare my time doing photoshop tutorials, and submitting photos . i dont see much advantages from this tho, perhaps because i already had this toshiba laptop …and im not that much of a always-submitting-photos type of guy

  • i love the way it looks. it is sooo “the gadget of tomorrow”

its slim and its handy, you cud take this anywhere you want and you dont have to be worry bout taking much spaces to your backpack

  • it costs $499

yea…its not that expensive if you’d think of it…YEA RIGHT

yea…maybe i shud re-think stuff again bout buying this…

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