Monday, May 10, 2010

the girl in the purple sweater

kay...i just wanna tell you sometimes being single isnt that much fun
like, i get to see other people hugging, cuddling, making out and all that jazz
...and im here all alone by myself, doing what i want to do

i mean, not that being single sucks, its just that...i need somebody to spoil with
i wanna spoil her so bad, i could ended up just sigh-ing whenever shes being a brat up to my face...

so why all out of nowhere, suddenly im talking bout all this?

today i had an exam, IBT, its kinda toefl but a lil different.
so i wake up early to get the test
after i walked out from the room (and probably i did an awesome effort for the exam lol)

there was this amazingly cute girl sitting in front of me as im loining .
damn you should have seen this girl, her eyes are enough to make you melt.
and i was thinking, i want that. i want to cuddle that body of her... i want to kiss those cheeks...i want that eyes to be looking at me...i want that smile... i want her.

trust me im gonna find her at campus, ive seen her lotta times
and... not to be kinky or anythin...but i noticed she gave me that "look" .somehow i just knew...pretty much. :D

wait for me

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