Friday, January 25, 2008

about it 2

knp sih gw slalu aj ngebayangin suatu yg bkl bwt gw down?
i just thought of the worst part first.
gw bakal tetep jd diri gw sendiri
dan klo emng pasangan gw ngga terima gw
ya udh.fine aj.putus aj.yg jelas gw ga bkl berubah demi ngga bakal brubah demi ga bkl berubah demi seseorang.

gw brubah demi diri gw sendiri,denger.

dan gw ga akan ngebiarin lo ngerusak hidup gw  punya hidup sendiri.
dan lo jg harus ikt main sesuai praturan gw.

gw ga bakal ngebiarin lo ngerusak hidup gw

and i will not care for even a little bit.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

about it

its been a while since i've barely gotten closed to her
but...its not that close.she's somewhere far away now
she's cute.cuddly(i mean it)
funny.kind.cuddly.happy.adorable.cuddly.and so on

at first .i plan to,like,getting close,or just want to share laughs with her
but i dont know.i dont know how to describe this feeling i had

anyways.after reading one of her bulletin at friendster
i just noticed.she had a "kecengan". in.someone she likes.

and i dont some times.i wish the person was me.but some times im just scared if its me.

cause...ive been chatting wit her for quite some time now.and we're closer than when we're at school

there has been "signals"(if you get my meaning).
well..maybe its just me getting all too confident.hhe
but i just ,like, a little scared
i dont wanna give hopes to a girl.
and then,just leave her.


but i dont different than what im at school(back then)

im ,how do you say, more talkative,'jackass', i just dont wanna care about other people thinks.hell wit them
this is me
and if you dont like me
you can just not be friends wit me
thats okay

back again
i do like her.she's adorable.but she drinks.and smokes
she tried to stop smoking happy to heard that

its me.i just do a lot of thinking.and i hate this.
i always doubt something

like,"what if its like this",or,"what will happen if i do it "

i hate this

and i will change this

i will change my way of thinking and living

Monday, January 21, 2008


helo.this is adhit.
from now and for further more
maybe ill be writting a blog
just to ease the pain

some people should hear

i want them to hear it

soooo have a nice weekend