Monday, June 18, 2012

what is wrong

Pertanyaan saya langsung tertera dari judul. Apa yang salah? atau apakah anda dapat berpikir yang lain, dengan melihat sisi lain dari pertanyaan tersebut, yaitu , Apa itu "salah" ? Salah itu adalah melanggar sesuatu peraturan. Peraturan yang bila dilanggar akan diberikan hukuman atau balasan bagi sang pelaku kesalahan tersebut. Apa itu peraturan? Peraturan itu merupakan standar-standar. Standar-standar macam apa? atau apa? Standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh seseorang. Ya, betul. seseorang. Atau sekumpulan orang. Sekumpulan orang yang berada dalam perintah seseorang. Seseorang yang telah berpikir begitu majunya ke depan, sehingga dengan menetapkan standar ini telah di desain sebegitu rupanya untuk membuat semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Sesuatu apa itu yang harus berjalan dengan lancar? bisa apa aja. sesuatu yang menurut pikirannya. sesuatu yang dilihat sesuai kondisi. kondisi apa? siapa?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Allah if you heard it just now You should know, that im scared for my life right now I know her intention is for my best But i just really want to do what im really interested in of all my life, i have never walked alone, doing what i really wanted the most im always held back. saying its for my best. i am now seeing what the real world is all about its scary, but i am having the time of my life :) i met interesting people that i have not met before in my days back then. now my vision is widen Guide me Allah

Sunday, May 20, 2012

night out wit cuz

so i just had a karaoke nite last nite, with my cousin and brother. It has been a long time since we;ve gone out together. cos my cousin's already in a another region for her work. So, long story short. We have decided to take the long weekend to go out once. Thankfully she had the time to hang out, so we went out. We decided to have a karaoke night . YEAH BABY! i've been waiting for this! I've been dying to get my hands on those songs. so we gone out at 22.00 its a bit late, i know, but hey who gives a shit we're young bloods, baby! So as usuall, we went to DBest at Fatmawati. Its either NAV or Happy puppy, but we decided to go to NAV this time. We're here. booked a room (God, that sounded wrong), and headed up to place. ME! I have taken the liberty to take the first in grabbed the mic as fast as i could and didnt give a shit bout others on wanting the first turn. okay, shadow of the day by linkin park seemed like an idea. you know, warmin up the old vocal cords and all. you know what. im bored. im gonna finish this later. or not see ya

Thursday, December 22, 2011


its just not worth it, God

i fucking hate them all

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


its been 3 years ...just realized that from seing the actuall date on the movie ticket i kept in my wallet

Sunday, August 21, 2011

a tribute

i really wished i cud do some tattooes. because i find tattooes are somewhat a tribute, to things that we consider to be meaningful and honest to our lives. i really do think so. and its not only an art form, its your way of saying "these are my history, as you can see, respect these people and stories what id find the ones who were helping me grow up" .

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"those who cant approach discussion with a basic level of intelligence and maturity shouldnt be expect to be taken seriously"

kalimat ini gw dapetin dari salah satu video d youtube

i was browsing on tumblr , while i was scrolling down one of the profiles reblogged this vid. at first i was interested on the title written "putting faith in its place". the idea of 'faith' really got me curious.also im always interested in these philosophies of what shud you say or do about beliefs.

also, the profile where id found this vid was ,for me at least, was a not-so-easy-guy-to-believe in some get the idea

im talkin bout why we shud ask ,question,critisize about something.wheter its a culture,proganda, you name it

so, on my current semester, im takin this course called western thoughts ,at first i got the idea about where we would think the philosophy about people in the west, but surprise! it also talks about eastern philosophies as well. i loved it. it was better i supposed

there we would think, well the lecturer is also ,how do you say, passionate on how he'd lectures

i love it, but not for my two other buddies

so, after one of his lectures, we would go out to take a bite, and on the way we would have conversations bout the class. lets just say my friend P doesnt like this particular course. he would go out during the class, and stay out there until the course's done.

i remember him saying "im bored of this class, why should we think bout what someone's reasoning and thought!?"

its not that i hated about what he said. but i thought of him as a person who wont critizise, but also an ignorant.

i also remembered showing and recommending him this one book i, not recommending, more of a "hey i had this book, tell me what you'd think of it" and "hey did you know this!??" kind of persuasion

"ah its a hoax, ive heard it isnt real" i had the idea of the faith diffrences that we shared. He's an 'A' and im a 'B'...okay...we had this since we were kindergarden, so i assumed it'd better to think that, maybe you and i have the fundamental diffrences about this sort of i only kinda said those difference thingy at him

he replied, "its not the same, i had diffrent ideas about these, from what ive seen on movies..." HOLD UP! movies?MOVIES!? got that conclusion according what youve seen on movies!?

i know movies sometime could refered to some knowledge and maybe introduce you to something new in this world...but you mustnt conclude a final thought about something through a movie . movies only give an introduction about things, and you would search more findings about it books,refferences,net,person and etc

so i'd go, "DUDE YOURE TELLIN ME THAT A MOVIE MADE YOU THINK THIS WAY? MOVIES ARENT THE REAL THING MAN!" i kinda went rage on that one but i only kept in inside

well, after conversations after on another with P, i'd have the idea that this person is an just gonna tell you like that. an ignorant.
if you wont think about what others may believe or think or say, then who gives you the rights to even comment them?

so from now on i just smile on every thoughts on what my friends may say based on what the believe.because in my principle, we took a different and i are not the same. we had been brainwashed in either way. and you and i maybe would not share the same level of knowledge and experience. in short, i dont what its like to be you, and you dont know what its like to be me neither.

from now on i have this huge apreciation and respect on what others might say,believe,or act.

simply, just because we are different :)